Devlog [08.05.24]

Sindonic - Aug 5th 2024 06:30


Hello, Sprouts!


Masterlist Porting Requirement - Live

We are now officially requiring complete porting to use Masterlist image approvals/submissions. Rule 7.6a has been updated to include the change. 

"Characters must be ported before their Masterlist images can be exchanged."

Porting Update - Live

We have also improved the porting process with contributions from member @LunarNorthStar.

New Porting Journal - the old one will be caught up today and has been closed for new submission.



Due to specific changes coming, we decided to share the plans for the remaining events for this year in advance.

Events Schedule for 2024:

   Dragon Migration - September -  Ekko Form

   Hollowbean Festival - October - Vomsetti form and Mascot Theme Changes (mini-lore event)

   Companion Riot - November (mini-lore event)

   Time Gala - December


Changes to Event Numbering
Event activity numbering has been revised from #1, #2, #3, etc., per event to list numbers based on the order of activities on site. For example, the first event now has games renamed E001-E005, and the next event will have E006-etc.

Love Item Approval Changes - Coming
We will simplify the love approval process soon (in the coming months). We've heard your feedback about the love vouchers and Love Items. When the change is live, users will no longer need to redeem love items; they can simply use love vouchers to create Griffolk characters, similar to how the Love Petal works for Companions. For example, the Mythical Love bean costs three love vouchers. So, if you have three vouchers, you can use them to create your Mythical without needing the love bean from the market.

Love items will still be available for purchase in the game as collectibles or as a means of storing your Love Vouchers collection as a different item. However, they will no longer be used for character creation; vouchers will be required instead until we have a system in the future that can allow more than one item to be used if we decide to do that.



- Messages can now be starred and added a filter for it in the message center
- Made it possible to upgrade multiple items at the same time in shop
- Companion Subtype Fruit and Mascot Theme Cookie have been added but are unavailable. for the time being and was uploaded early for coding purposes.
- Added daily command that adds missing bloomdays to characters that have been ported.
- Added buy limits to the shops (this feature is not being used on any currently available item and is a future system)
- Added Bloomday to Masterlist advanced search
- Added user settings that control the visibility of various buttons on the user and character pages
- All Orms have received aura sprout mutation
- All Water orms have received Eather Ooze mutation
- Ekkofolk and Orm Pages have been completed
- Capria Settlements and information have been completed.
- Love Vouchers and Love Petals have been added to the market.
- G mart has a new Aisle - Love Items to purchase love vouchers and Love petals
- Added "Owned Count" to item pages that display the cached owned count that updates daily (it will update once the day turns over)

- Updated avatar, form 1, form 2 submission rules
- Redid the layout on the settings page
- Fixed error on Sky Guardian's official Titan art; it mistakenly was shaped like the Premium Status.
- The treasure map has been updated with new art, and all prizes have been replaced with GC prizes.
- Aisles in the G mart has had G's added in front of all Aisles Numbers
- Aisle 4 - Chronocombo has been renamed to G5 - Chronocombo
- Aisles in the V mart has had V's added in front of all Aisles Numbers
- Aisle 4 - Love items in Vmart, has changed names to V4 - Love Item Types

- Fixed bug causing approved designs added by Love Item approval to shrink from their original size
- "Fix Cosmetics" button now removes duplicate cosmetics from the database

- Eather Beast Bracelet requirement for Eather Forge (The text is currently still visible; this is a bug)
- Removed timeout on Winning Flower rewards notification

Items from old Treasure Hunt:
- Swols Barkshroom and Pickle
- Cosmetic Dye Fruit
- Vouchers - Chronopod and status berry
- Time Supply - Fertilizer, Timewater, and Uber time water
- Lures, Algea, Honey, Sap and Dust

All polls conducted via Discord will close after 24 hours unless there is a majority vote in favor of one choice.

The log knows all.